Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000190/2021-22
Dt.30/03/2022 |
Tender Notification for LT Augmentation Works
for Providing Supply to Unelectrified
Households (UEHH) under PMAY-G AND BIJU
Turnkey Basis. | |
TPCODL-188 |
29/04/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000173/2021-22
Dt.31/03/2022 |
Tender Notification for Supply and Installation
of 11kV & LT lines and DTs for providing power
supply to Un-electrified households (UEHHs)
under PMAY-G & BGJY scheme on
turnkey basis. | |
TPCODL-187 |
29/04/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000191/2021-22
Dt.31/03/2022 |
Tender Notification for Hiring of Agency
for Vehicle on Call Service at TPCODL,
TPCODL-186 |
22/04/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000193/2021-22
Dt.31/03/2022 |
Tender Notification for Procurement
of Transformer Differential Relay. | |
TPCODL-185 |
16/04/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000189/2021-22
Dt.30/03/2022 |
Tender Notification for Electrification of
Unelectrified Households (UEHH) by providing
Service Connection under PMAY-G and BIJU GRAMIN
JYOTI YOJANA Schemes. | |
TPCODL-184 |
29/04/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000192/2021-22
Dt.30/03/2022 |
Tender Notification for Implementation
of RTU based Automation for Conventional
Substations (Phase-2). | |
TPCODL-183 |
23/04/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000183/2021-22
Dt.11/03/2022 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract
for Meter Installation and Associated
Services. | |
TPCODL-182 |
05/04/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000183/2021-22
Dt.11/03/2022 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract for
Meter Installation and Associated
Services. | |
TPCODL-182 |
05/04/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000187/2021-22
Dt.11/03/2022 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract for
Operational Assistance of 33/11KV
Substations of all TPCODL Circles. | |
TPCODL-181 |
31/03/2022 |
Pre-Bid-Response |
 | |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000186/2021-22
Dt.10/03/2022 |
Tender Notification for Rate contract
for Supply of FRP Ladder. | |
TPCODL-180 |
04/04/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000182/2021-22
Dt.11/03/2022 |
Tender Notification for SITC of ACs
(Window/Split) at TPCODL offices. | |
TPCODL-179 |
02/04/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000163/2021-22
Dt.15/02/2022 |
Tender Notification for Empanelment of vendors for
"Design, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning
including warranty, comprehensive Operation
& Maintenance of grid-connected rooftop solar plant
of various capacities under Phase-II of
GCRTS Scheme of MNRE being implemented in
the State of Odisha. | |
TPCODL-178 |
11/03/2022 |
Pre-Bid-Response |
| |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000169/2021-22
Dt.13/01/2022 |
Tender Notification for Appointment
of Agencies for Providing Security
Services. | |
TPCODL-177 |
09/02/2022 |
Pre-Bid-Response |
Corrigendum-I |
| |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000165/2021-22
Dt.12/01/2022 |
Tender Notification for Bill
Printing Services For TPCODL. | |
TPCODL-176 |
02/02/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000164/2021-22
Dt.13/01/2022 |
Tender Notification for Supply of
2.5MVA and 3.15MVA Power Transformer. | |
TPCODL-175 |
02/02/2022 |
Pre-Bid-Response |
Corrigendum-I |
| |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000168/2021-22
Dt.13/01/2022 |
Tender Notification for Rate contract for
Supply of Antivirus solution at TPCODL
Odisha. | |
TPCODL-174 |
03/02/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000160/2021-22
Dt.01/01/2022 |
Tender Notification for Construction of
Transformer repair shed at Chowdar, Cuttack. | |
TPCODL-173 |
22/01/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000156/2021-22
Dt.30/12/2021 |
Tender Notification for Rate contract
for SITC of 24 V DC System. | |
TPCODL-172 |
21/01/2022 |
Pre-Bid-Response |
Corrigendum-I |
| |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000161/2021-22
Dt.30/12/2021 |
Tender Notification for Rate contract
for supply of FRP Ladder. | |
TPCODL-171 |
07/01/2022 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000142/2021-22
Dt.22/12/2021 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract for
Supply of Meter box for SMART DT Meters(with
Ring Type CT and Wiring Harness). | |
TPCODL-170 |
07/01/2022 |
Pre-Bid-Response |
| |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000155/2021-22
Dt.16/12/2021 |
Tender Notification for CCTV Security
Solution Implementation and Maintenance
TPCODL-169 |
05/01/2022 |
Pre-Bid-Response |
Corrigendum-I |
| |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000153/2021-22
Dt.16/12/2021 |
Tender Notification for Rate contract
for supply of 8 Metre PSC Pole. | |
TPCODL-168 |
27/12/2021 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000154/2021-22
Dt.15/12/2021 |
Tender Notification for Rate contract for
supply and fixing of office furniture across
TPCODL-167 |
23/12/2021 |
Corrigendum-I |
| |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000150/2021-22
Dt.15/12/2021 |
Tender Notification for one Year Rate
Contract for Supply of Android Mobile
Phone. | |
TPCODL-166 |
05/01/2022 |
Corrigendum-I |
| |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000152/2021-22
Dt.14/12/2021 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract
for Supply of LTDB(GI) Enclosure for
25KVA,63KVA,100KVA DT S/s. | |
TPCODL-165 |
03/01/2022 |
Corrigendum-II |
Corrigendum-I |
| |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000151/2021-22
Dt.15/12/2021 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract
for Procurement of various size of
LT XLPE AB Cable. | |
TPCODL-164 |
30/12/2021 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000138/2021-22
Dt.06/12/2021 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract
for Supply of Stationary Items for TPCODL
offices. | |
TPCODL-163 |
20/12/2021 |
Corrigendum-I |
 | |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000137/2021-22
Dt.03/12/2021 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract
for Supply of 1.1kV Control Cable of
Various Sizes. | |
TPCODL-162 |
18/12/2021 |
Pre-Bid-Response |
Corrigendum-I |
 | |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000134/2021-22
Dt.26/11/2021 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract
for Supply of 11 KV AL HT 1Cx630 SQMM
TPCODL-161 |
16/12/2021 |
Corrigendum-I |
 | |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000135/2021-22
Dt.29/11/2021 |
TTender Notification for Rate Contract
for Supply of LT XLPE Power Cables
(1.1 KV AL ARMOURED). | |
TPCODL-160 |
20/12/2021 |
Pre-Bid-Response |
Corrigendum-I |
 | |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000136/2021-22
Dt.29/11/2021 |
Tender Notification for Rate contract
for supply of conductor. | |
TPCODL-159 |
20/12/2021 |
Pre-Bid-Response |
 | |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000139/2021-22
Dt.27/11/2021 |
Tender Notification for Rate contract
for Supply of Lightning Arrester 33kV 10KA. | |
TPCODL-158 |
15/12/2021 |
Pre-Bid-Response |
Corrigendum-I |
 | |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/1000000127/2021-22
Dt.26/11/2021 |
Tender Notification for Rate contract for
supply of Electrical Insulating Gloves-500
Volts (Class 00) 11kV (Class2), 33kV (Class 4). | |
TPCODL-157 |
15/12/2021 |