
Social Initiatives

TPCODL’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives are crafted to address key societal challenges and contribute to sustainable development, in alignment with our CSR policy. These initiatives are structured around four thematic pillars that reflect our mission, vision and overarching objectives, guiding our focus toward areas that are critical for societal well-being and sustainable development: Education, Employability and Employment, Entrepreneurship and Essential Services.

1. Education

Education is a vital driver of socio-economic development. Our education-focused programs aim to enhance access to quality education, improve learning outcomes, upgrade educational infrastructure and promote lifelong learning opportunities through various facilitation services.

.  Club Enerji – Powering Transformation: This program creates awareness among school students about energy conservation, clean energy usage, the importance of a circular economy and natural resource management in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through proactive engagement, we promote the movement "Sustainable is Attainable," empowering students as ambassadors of energy conservation and climate actions.



.  Women Literacy Center (VIDYA): This initiative focuses on educating women from urban slums and rural areas through functional literacy, empowering them with basic reading, writing and arithmetic skills. Beneficiaries are also encouraged to participate in volunteering events to foster a positive environment in their communities.


.  Adhikaar – Enabling Access to Government Social Security Schemes for financial inclusion of communities at the bottom of the economic pyramid.


2. Employability and Employment

TPCODL’s employability and employment initiatives aim to enhance individuals' access to sustainable employment opportunities by equipping them with market-driven skills, training and resources needed to secure meaningful and sustainable livelihoods. We collaborate closely with industries and organizations to ensure employment opportunities through recognized certification.

.  Vocational Training Center (ROSHNI): Provides skill development to rural communities, enhancing employability and entrepreneurship for sustainable growth and improved quality of life.


.  Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Center (DAKSH): Equips youth with market-oriented skills and personal development resources, enhancing their potential for growth and self-dignity.


.  Green Job Academy (DAKSH): Focuses on training youth for green job sectors, such as electric vehicle maintenance, solar technician training etc. promoting a sustainable future.


3. Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is key to driving innovation, economic growth and job creation. Our program aim to foster an entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing aspiring entrepreneurs with support, training, capacity building, mentorship and resources to start and scale their ventures. By promoting entrepreneurship, we empower individuals to become self-sustained job creators, drive local economic development and enhance community resilience.


.  Local Art Cluster (SAMRIDDHI): Promotes local art forms and nurtures the entrepreneurial spirit among rural women through skill development and market-led interventions.


.  Integrated Farming Cluster (SAMRIDDHI): Empowers farmers by encouraging sustainable agricultural practices, enhancing their productivity and income.


4. Essential Services – Health and Environment

Access to essential services, such as healthcare and environmental sustainability, is crucial for community well-being. Our programs under this pillar focus on improving access to healthcare services, promoting preventive healthcare, ensuring equitable access and addressing environmental challenges.


.  Mobile Health Dispensary (AROGYA): Provides access to basic healthcare services in remote areas, adding societal value at the grassroots level.


.  Volunteering (ARPAN): Engages volunteers in community service, creating a positive impact, assisting people in need and transforming lives.